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Stalybridge Photographic Club (hereafter referred to as SPC) will identify a
complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction with either the conduct of SPC, the
Committee or its members.
Whenever possible SPC will seek to resolve complaints informally at the time.
It is intended that grievance/complaints procedure should be easily accessible, that
all complaints are fully and fairly investigated, and that the complaints process
should provide an effective response and appropriate redress. Any punitive
measures must be proportionate to the grievance/complaint.
A grievance/complaint may be made by any member of SPC. That member must
be the aggrieved. Third party submissions will not be accepted.
The grievance must be made as soon as practicable after the incident in question
and in any case within seven days of the event and must be submitted in writing
(paper or email) addressed to the SPC secretary or any other elected committee
member. The written complaint must give a full account of the event to which is
subject of the complaint.
The grievance/complaint will be classed as minor/major. This decision will be made
by the committee.
Minor grievances/complaints will be dealt with informally by committee agreement
and the complainant will be informed of the resolution at the earliest opportunity.
There is no appeal with regard to minor grievances/complaints. The committee’s
decision, is final.
Major grievances/complaints will be dealt with by initial informal procedure, being
followed up by a special committee meeting called to fully discuss the issue in
full,having regard to any impact on the complainant or SPC. The complainant will
be informed at the earliest opportunity of the committee decision. Should the
complainant wish to appeal the committee’s decision, a notice of appeal must be
made in writing (or email). The appeal will be held with the committee and the
complainant where reasoning from both sides will be heard. An ordinary SPC
member (accepted by both sides) will be requested to observe only to ensure
fairness is maintained. The committee will then issue the resolution which will be
full and final.

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